Are you filing for unemployment for the first time in Minnesota? Good! Really, this is a process you do not want to encounter on a regular basis.
On the other hand, do not be discouraged or frightened by the process for seeking benefits.
Instead, look at it this way – you are doing the right thing by trying to education yourself.
Thus, if you need help filing for unemployment for the first time in Minnesota, please consider contacting this law office for help.
Step one when Filing for Unemployment for the First Time in Minnesota

Look, this process can be complicated. Sometimes, people end up appealing their claim for benefits after they file for the first time. The very first step you should take is writing down and or taking notes of the process that led to your job ending.
For example, if you remember having a conversation with your manager or recall being given a document to sign, you should write down what was said, who said it, and what you recall your response being.
Thus, step one in filing for unemployment for the first time in Minnesota should be writing down notes on what you recall being told or what you recall being said that led to your job ending.
Step two in Filing for Unemployment for the First Time in Minnesota
Your second step should be requesting from your employer, in writing, the reason for your discharge and a copy of your entire employment file. You have the right to review your employment file under Minnesota rule 181.961.
You have the right to get the reasoning behind your job ending under Minnesota rule 181.933. Please note, your letter needs to be sent by mail. In other words, it cannot be by fax or e-mail.
But wait – you know why your job ended? It doesn’t matter whether you know the exact reason or not – you need to find out whether your former employer agrees with your understanding and or if your former employer will change their story.
Because your right to receive specific information referenced above about the reason for your discharge is time sensitive, take this step very seriously.
What if you cannot wait and need to being filing for unemployment right this minute?
Well, if you cannot wait – then this law office encourages you to contact a lawyer and ask them to review your situation. Even better, share your story and ask for help in filling out the application for unemployment benefits.
In case it isn’t obvious, what you write down in your application when seeking and filing for unemployment for the first time in Minnesota could have a significant impact on whether you get benefits.
Thus, you desperately need to take the application process seriously and not fill it out the second you walk away from your last job.
What should you put in your application when filing for unemployment in MN?
Yes, what you write and how you answer questions specific to your initial application really does matter. What you write depends on the law, not what you think the law is.
Thus, consider having your case reviewed by lawyer BEFORE filling out your application.