The process of seeking and appealing for benefits is stressful. Applicants can reduce stress by rescheduling their appeal hearing for a time that works best for them. Far too many applicants forget they have rights. Applicants have a right to acquiring a subpoena.
Also, Applicants have rights regarding when and how their hearing will be scheduled. If meeting with a judge interferes with a family conflict, try to reschedule. If an Applicant works best after the lunch hour, reschedule. As simple as it might be, reduce unemployment stress by finding a court date and time that accommodates you being at your best.

Unemployment Tip # 013 – I believe applicants can reduce stress by rescheduling their appeal hearing for a time that works best for them. Far to many applicants forget they are allowed one opportunity to reschedule a phone call with a judge (assuming specific rules are followed). If meeting with a judge interferes with a family conflict, try to reschedule. If you work best after the lunch hour, reschedule. As simple as it might be, reduce unemployment stress by finding a court date and time that accommodates you being at your best.”
Unemployment Stress
Other times, stress is far more significant than finding a different court date and time.
The financial burden of getting denied unemployment benefits can be revived by having a plan. Even better, an Applicant will have a game plan and a back-up plan.
Generally, a game plan is their legal strategy of acquiring benefits. After all, a boss and employer are unique to the Applicant. Verbalizing the storyline that led to a discharge requires careful planning.
Usually, a storyline starts with the date of a discharge and works backwards. Sometimes, this comes as a surprise because people like the idea of starting from the beginning, as if their first day of work and why they were hired.
Starting from the beginning when talking with a unemployment law judge generally makes the conference more stressful than it needs to be. Thus, reduce unemployment stress by creating a game plan designed to show why and how one is eligible for benefits.