Attorney and Law Office
Attorney and Law Office
Tag Health Care Directive
A MN health care directive is a fantastic document for those needing help while they are sick or unresponsive.
The issue most folks do not realize is the fact our own spouse may not have the power to assist on our behalf without a living will or directive.
As an estate planning attorney, my goal is to educate and inspire a conversation with people and families needing help with a document of this nature.
MN Health Care Directive and Forms
In Minnesota, directives for our health are governed by a number of rules and statutes. The idea is using a document to identify a health care agent who can make healthcare decisions when we cannot.
The postings and articles below address problems, concerns and formalities specific to a healthcare directive in Minnesota.
Thus, I hope you find value with the following articles and posts. Even better, attend one of my Community Education classes!
Making Appointments For Family Members
Living Wills And Their Suggested Form
Health Care Needs And Changing Estate Documents
Older Adults Respond to the CDC
Coronavirus Preparation 101
Brain Donations for Military Veterans
Estate Documents Ranked
In one of my recent community education classes, I was asked to rank my favorite estate documents. Thus, here we go… Really though, I think the issue was more about money than actual estate documents. In other words, if I…
Reduce Military Control over your Children
As parents, it is both exciting and a feeling of helplessness when our children join the military. I am a huge proponent of our armed forces and believe there are certain estate planning documents younger people can use to help…
Updated Health Care Directive Requirements
Health care directive requirements change often. I challenge you to find your directive and make sure it included the following: Dated, Signed by the person making the declaration, Includes updated health care needs, Contact information for loved ones (like their…