“My best Friend is a person who will give me a book I have not read.”
– Abraham Lincoln
Estate Planning
- 🏥Health Care Directive Form
- Living Will
- 📝Power of Attorney Form
- ❌Revoke Power of Attorney
- 🍼Children:
- Standby Guardian for a Child
- Delegation of Parental Authority
- 🏠[Real Estate ] Transfer on Death Deeds (TODD)
- 🚗[Motor Vehicle] Application Transfer on Death Beneficiary
Unemployment Appeals
- Appeal packet for the Minnesota Court of Appeals
Veterans Benefits
- Veterans Power of Attorney: VA Form 10-0137
- Veterans Health Care Directive: VA Form 10-0137
- Application for burial benefits: VA Form 21P-530
- Request specific funeral arrangements: VA Form 10-2065
- Application for a US Flag to be used at the funeral service: VA Form 27-2008
- Headstone for a a Military Cemetery: VA Form 40-1330
- Headstone for a Private Cemetery: VA Form 40-1330M
- Request for Substitution VA Form 21-0847