Attorney and Law Office
Attorney and Law Office
Tag Funeral
Young or old, a funeral is a difficult process. Military and non-military persons have different goals and expectations for end of life matters.
As an estate planning attorney, my goal is to educate and inspire a conversation with people and families needing help with end of life matters.
Funeral Benefits and Rights
Prior to death, a person can utilize certain documents to assist their family when a death occurs. One of these documents is a funeral directive. Basically, this type of document answers basic questions.
For example, selecting a specific ceremony based on our faith, identifying whether we want to be buried whole or cremated and selecting a location for our burial ground.
Additionally, you will find articles that address eulogies, military burial ceremonies, creditor claims and related issues and matters.
For those interested in meeting me one-on-one, I think my community education courses are fantastic.
Otherwise, I hope you find value in the following:
Who Profits the Most when You to Die Without a Plan?
Take a guess who profits the most when you die without a plan. Yes, failing to make a plan might actually generate more revenue for attorneys and your family. So yes, die without a plan makes life better for everybody except your…
Why are Ft. Snelling Headstones Larger for Some Veterans?
Some Ft. Snelling Headstones are larger than others. If you recently visited the Ft. Snelling National Cemetery, perhaps you have seen this too. If not, I took a picture for illustration purposes. In my practice, I help Veterans with their funeral…
Helpful Veteran VA Forms for a Funeral | Military Honor Guard in MN | #VeteranVitals #002
Veteran Vitals episode 002 discussing helpful military and VA forms when planning a funeral for a Veteran in Minnesota. If needed, here is a link to the forms I reference during the show: (1) Application for burial benefits: VA…
Signs You Have A Painful Estate Plan
A painful estate plan is one that makes others cringe and shriek. Very likely, you know what I mean. If you do not, here are a few examples to get us going: The plan you made dates back to the…
My Mom Buried Wedding Rings in her Grave
Buried wedding rings can be problematic when your decision is left with loved ones. I believe every person can use their will or estate plan to prevent family stress and anxiety. Below is a brief process outlining how to find a resolution…
Do You Want a Funeral Honor Guard at Your Funeral?
Yes, asking for an Honor Guard to participate at your loved one’s funeral is a wonderful homage to your family with military ties. This is the paperwork a Veteran will need in Minnesota and this is what a Funeral Honor Guard looks…
Here is the Best Eulogy for a Spouse or a Loved One
Using your next 4 minutes to watch this eulogy for a spouse can be very powerful. I am praying for you and your family.
5 Steps After Your Spouse Dies in Minnesota
Your spouse died in Minnesota and you need help. Including me, nobody enjoys talking about death. During the grieving process and thereafter, consider the following checklist to help you make important decisions. Step 1: calculate 9 months from your spouse’s…
Can I Delay Their Funeral with a Funeral Directive
Yes, you can use a funeral directive to delay your funeral. Unfortunately, many families are not able to make very easy choices about a funeral when dealing with the stress of loosing a loved one. Luckily, you can reduce arguments…