Fall pies are my favorite. Between apple, peach or cherry, you really cannot go wrong. Please don’t tell anyone, but in my youth, I made pies as a 4-H project, which got me thinking…
In my experience, baking a pie and the appeal process have a lot in common. I know this sound crazy, but here is how…
Pie Filling and Appeal Facts
A great pie starts with outstanding filling. But, if the filling boils over or seeps through a damaged area of the crust, the the whole pie can turn into mush. Well, appeals are the same.
The best appeals start with the right kind of filling, or facts. Sometimes, people have a tendency of sharing to much or trying to stuff their story into every pocket. Unfortunately, this usually muddies the waters and makes for a difficult appeal.
Adding Salt to a Pie Crust
Even a simple pie crust recipe calls for salt. But, to much salt and the pie will taste fowl. Likewise, everybody I work with has a story how or when their appeal went bad. When an appeal starts with gripes and ends with gripes, the appeal you so desperately need reversed gets salty.
Instead, I prefer focusing on facts that support a desired legal conclusion. The recipe for success starts with issue spotting and applying the right facts. To many facts or the wrong facts will turn a good case into a bad tasting experience.
Baking a Pie on High Heat
The best tasting pies are baked to perfect. As you might suspect, high heat is used to cook the perfect pie. An appeal can feel the same way. High heat might be stress, anxiety or questions from a judge. But, using quality answers and evidence can make all the difference.
Okay, now I am really hungry and need to find some pie.
In the meantime, please contact me if you need help with an appeal. Otherwise, I know where you can find the perfect pie recipe.