I hope your Fourth of July weekend is off to a great start.
In case you didn’t know, I meet with unemployed workers all day long. As you already know, seeking or appealing benefits can feel like a grind. On the other hand, the Fourth of July is a special day. For one, brining your family to a fireworks show is usually free entertainment and easy on the pocket-book given the situation at hand. Second, this particular holiday is a wonderful reminder of resilience and liberty.
However, unlike fireworks, appealing an unemployment case with a bang is a horrible strategy for folks looking to protect or keep their benefits. In my experience, applicants who approach their case as a renegade or “I have nothing to hide” mentality are setting themselves up for failure.
Thus, before you convince yourself that you cannot go wrong by telling an unemployment law judge how it all “happened”, please contact me for help. Otherwise, I am fearful your claim will end with a bang too.
I wish you the very best.