Should you appeal unemployment? This unemployment lawyer says yes and here is why.
Value of unemployment benefits
A person trying to decide if they should appeal unemployment in Minnesota needs to acknowledgment the benefit could be worth approximately $16,500.
Because of the dollar value, a worker trying to collect unemployment should always appeal unemployment if they were denied benefits.
My claim for unemployment isn’t worth much
Even if your claim is less than $16,500, it is impossible to predict the future. Absolutely, an unemployed person may find a job tomorrow, in a week, or in a month.
Even so, a claim for unemployment benefits can be valued at $2,500 for one month of benefits.
Because an unemployed worker, regardless of their career or job, cannot guarantee a job will be available in the near future, this law office encourages workers to always appeal unemployment.
What if I didn’t apply for unemployment
If you didn’t apply for unemployment benefits in Minnesota, then appealing a claim likely does not make sense to you.
However, your application for benefits is just as important as an appeal. Many applications are included as evidence or cross referenced with an unemployment appeal.
How much does it cost to appeal unemployment?
Minnesota does not charge a fee for a person to file their own appeal for unemployment. If a person seeking benefits or appealing a denial follows the appeal rules, there isn’t a cost to appeal unemployment.
That said, the three issues that often impact an appeal include:
(1) Stress,
(2) Time, and
(3) Knowledge of unemployment laws.
What do you say in your appeal?
When you appeal unemployment, Minnesota’s unemployment website will ask you to identify a reason for your appeal. Ideally, a statement should be very short and precise. If you are able, utilize language from a law or rule that supports your claim.
Should you trust government workers helping you?
Part of my law practice depends on workers at the unemployment office making mistakes and giving bad advise.
In my opinion, the unemployment office prefers to deny your claim because they have improperly paid out nearly thirty five million dollars ($35,000,000) to people requesting benefits in the year 2014.
No, I am not in favor of proceeding with an unemployment appeal without seeking specific advisement on your situation and the reasons related to your job coming to an end.
How long does an unemployment appeal take?
Generally, an applicant trying to collect benefits will be asked to prove their case two weeks after filing an unemployment appeal.
The unemployment office in Minnesota usually makes a decision three to four weeks after presenting your case to a judge.
If your appeal for unemployment is supported, then the next check for benefits will be retroactive.
Appeal unemployment with help
Yes, appeal unemployment claims in Minnesota with help from an unemployment lawyer.
Thus, consider contacting this law office for help.