You already know about PTSD anger. Post traumatic stress disorder is a root cause to relationship problems between friendships, marriages, boyfriends and girlfriends.
Great news! Your ex can help with your VA appeal!
Don’t believe me? Lets take a second look.
PTSD Anger – Seen Firsthand by an Ex
Except for my grandparents, most people, veterans included, have an ex. What if you asked your ex to verify your rage and anger? Do you think their stories align with PTSD?
When appealing a PTSD claim, first-hand stories from past relationships can be very helpful. I promise, I don’t like the idea of contacting your ex either. But, what if it turned a bad case into a winning case?
Again, their first hand depiction can help reverse or remand a BVA denial. Here is why.
PTSD Anger – What is the Functional Impairment Standard?
PTSD claims require an impairment. In other words, how is a Veteran’s PTSD impacting their day time and nighttime activities.
In my experience, veterans can improve their VA claim by seeking feedback and affidavits from ex spouses or significant others by proving the impairment rule.
The impairment rule is 38 CFR 4.10. This PTSD rule requires the following:
imposes upon the medical examiner the responsibility of furnishing, in addition to the etiological, anatomical, pathological, laboratory and prognostic data required for ordinary medical classification, full description of the effects of disability upon the person’s ordinary activity.
The point I am trying to make is specific to an ordinary activity. I believe relationships gone bad is an example of a person’s ordinary activity and feedback from an ex can improve many appeals for PTSD.
As a result, seeking a buddy statement or affidavit can have a significant impact on a veteran’s claim.