Quitting Your Job and Getting Unemployment: Unemployment Tip #016

Because Minnesota has rules that support unemployment benefits for workers who quit their job, gathering evidence or documenting events or conversations can be extremely helpful.  For example, e-mails, handbooks, personal improvement plans, corrective action plans, and notes.  


That said, a lot of people are not able to gather or acquire documents prior to their job ending.  Luckily, there are ways for unemployed workers to acquire evidence.  In addition to subpoena power, an applicant in Minnesota can use Minnesota statute 181.961 to acquire a copy of a personnel file.

Unemployment Tip # 016 – Because Minnesota allows unemployment benefits for workers who quit their job, I like the idea of gathering evidence prior to quitting.  For example, e-mails, handbooks, personal improvement plans, corrective action plans, and notes.  Also, I like the idea of acquiring contact information from co-workers who might be able to assist down the road”

Exactly what is part of or excluded from a personnel file is really unknown until a copy is obtained.  Usually, the types of documents within a “file” include:

  • Tax verification forms,
  • Job applications
  • Action Plans
  • Reprimands
  • Promotion Information

Even if a worker or employee believes they do not need a copy, asking for a copy is important.  In terms of an unemployment appeal, demanding reasons why a work event wasn’t documented or included within a personnel file can offer probative value to an applicant’s claim for benefits.