Looking for help to Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County? Look, trying to figure out all of the forms necessary to submit a case to Probate Court is not a stress you and your family need right now.
For this reason, consider contacting this law office for help. Otherwise, consider the following:
Register so you can Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County
Assuming you are going to Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County, a person should register.
Unfortunately, the e-filing process in Hennepin County is mandatory for everybody, regardless whether you are doing this by yourself or as a lawyer.
As recent as October 2, 2015, Hennepin County updated their registration process.
What is the e-filing process?
E-filing is an electronic process used to file documents. The e-filing court system is mostly implemented in Hennepin County and Ramsey County for civil filings. Until January 21, 2013, e-filing was never required in Probate Court in any Minnesota County.
Unless you have a friend for a family member who has recently been required to Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County, asking around will likely produce unfavorable responses.
First problem people face when seeking Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County
One of the first problems a person will face when seeking Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County is a lack of computer experience.
This is especially true for older people who are required to acquire an e-mail address to facilitate the e-filing process.
Is the Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County public?
Generally, anything submitted through the Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County process will become public knowledge.
Unfortunately, this is true given Minnesota General Rule of Practice 11.
Second problem people face when seeking Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County
The second problem people sometimes face when working through the Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County process is the fact every document needs to be filed separately.
In other words, the system does not support combining multiple forms into one document or pdf file.
How do you sign documents when seeking Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County
Yes, documents filed electronically can be signed by using /S/. In the opinion of this law office, this is a huge area for potential fraud. Thus, approach each form with care.
Where to find Minnesota probate forms
If you are looking for probate forms to help you with the Probate e-Filing in Hennepin County process, this law office highly recommends these resources:
- Minnesota’s law library,
- Minnesota’s Court Forms website, or
- You can buy forms from Miller Davis Company.
Final thoughts
Again, if you need help with this process, contact this law office for help.