Elder Law, Estate Planning, Trusts and Succession PlanningSkipping GST Tax or Working Around It?The GST Tax is somewhat defined under Chapter 13 of our tax code. The name of the game is finding ways to reduce estate taxes thatJasper Berg, J.D.February 17, 2022
News and Articles, Trusts and Succession Planning, Veterans BenefitsThrift Savings Plans and TSP Beneficiary FormsThrift Savings Plans and their accompanying beneficiary forms can cause unintended pitfalls for our military and civil service familiesJasper Berg, J.D.February 15, 2022
Elder Law, Veterans BenefitsVA Look Back Rule Impacts BenefitsThe VA Look Back Rule is a 36 month period outlined under 38 CFR 3.276. Unfortunately, this rule can negatively impact Veterans benefits forJasper Berg, J.D.February 9, 2022