3 events found.
September 17: Estate Planning Seminar
Edina, MN 5200 Willson Road, Edina, MNEstate Planning Seminar in Edina, Minnesota to discuss and offer insight and planning tools. Upon registration, this event is free.
Estate Planning 102 ⚖️
OnlineDuring this online class, patrons will be introduced to more advanced issues related to the estate planning process, including beneficiaries, tax issues, and transfer on death deeds. Other topics include: Insurance, Health Care Directives, Beneficiary Forms, Long Term Care, Trusts, and Other applicable planning techniques. * Near the event date and time, a link will […]
Pre-Planning Do’s and Don’ts
Bloomington, MNBloomington Community Ed on Pre-planning strategies for an estate. Topics include beneficiary forms, health directives, power of attorney