Estates 75 and Younger have a 40% Premature Death rate in Minnesota

Premature Death
Premature Death

Premature death is the process of dying to young.  In Minnesota, the health department keeps track of premature deaths.

Statically speaking, 40% of us are dying before we reach 75 years of age.  Within Hennepin County alone, this included more than 3,300 people.  Half were between the ages of 45 to 64.

Like you, I am bothered by this.

Premature Death:  What I Did

Here is what I do and did:

  • First, I tell my spouse and children every night how much I love them.
  • Second, I purchased life insurance to make up for my lost wages.
  • Third, I put all of my belongings into a trust and added specific advisement  for my children and grandchildren.
  • Fourth, I formalized back-up guardians for my children.

Likely, are doing the first, second and third thing too.  If not, I am reminding you to jump on it.  Premature death in Minnesota is called premature for a reason.

Premature Death:  What I Try to Avoid

I try to focus on the positive.   In my profession and client base, I have to think about death more than others.  Personally, I find this motivating.

What I try to avoid is making decisions in fear.  I cannot wait for my next physical exam because I know my doctor wants to find things before they become a problem.

Premature Death:  What if Things Change

Yes, I want my future to change for the better.  In fact, I expect positive change.  If the good Lord calls me home faster, I will be ready and my family is prepared too.

Premature Death:  Caused by What

Here is a short list of the highest percent of causes attributable to premature deaths:

  • Cancer
  • Chronic Lower Respiratory Disease
  • Pneumonia
  • Stroke
  • Diabetes
  • Unintentional Injuries

Again, I am not scared, but just in case it hits me like a ton of bricks – I am ready for anything.